I have concocted my own theme for this legacy, and it has been inspired by the Game of Thrones series (actually the Song of Ice and Fire, but most will recognize the Game of Thrones better) Anyways, my premiss is this: I start with a founder that I have made like the Targaryens in the story. Damien is very handsome, has silver hair, and violet eyes. In the books, the Targaryens come from Valyria and are known for their beauty, silver/gold hair and violet eyes. Some (not all) have the ability to be immune to fire and heat. They also have a strange tradition of marrying within the family.

So what I am setting out to do is start with my founder, have him marry a wife, and then with each subsequent generation have a brother and sister marry to produce the next generation. I will choose the most attractive offspring to further the legacy, also trying to select only those with the violet eyes. Some of you may find this offensive, but I'm just having fun.

If you don't like this idea, please don't read on. :) Thanks for checking me out.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Targaryen Legacy: Generation 2 (Daenerys, Aerys, and Rhaegar)

Targaryen Legacy: Generation 2 (Daenerys, Aerys, and Rhaegar)

After they are married, Damien is thrilled to find out that Meadow is rich. He wasn't a gold digger, but $96,000 simolions added to the family funds is not bad. They are able to build a very nice large house with all the amenities. After Meadow moves in, she decides it's time for a new look and gets a makeover. Not a bad looking lady even though she's about 12 years older than Damien.

Once they get settled in, they waste no time growing their tiny family.

Meadow tells Damien the good news and he is completely thrilled!

A few months later and they are a happy family of three. Meadow is a little old to be a first time mother and it tires her out. She spends a lot of time in her comfy rocking chair. Even though it's a lot of work, Meadow loves little Daenerys with all her heart.

Little Daenerys grows bigger everyday. Her parents are happy to find out she doesn't mind being alone, and entertains herself quite well. She's even showed signs of having inherited her parents shared insane trait. I guess it runs in the family.

Meadow soon learns that she is pregnant again. She would really like a son this time around and has heard an old wives' tale that says that if you eat a lot of apples when you are pregnant, you will have a boy. Sounds crazy, but it can't hurt, right?

As she is gardening, she goes into labor. "Darn, I should have listened to my doctor when he told me to go easy on the gardening!"

Damien rushes her to the hospital and they soon bring home the newest member of their family. Welcome, Aerys!

Damien never thought he would really enjoy fatherhood, but ever since Daenerys was born, he loves being a father. He doesn't mind getting up in the middle of the night to change a dirty diaper, or soothe a crying baby. He especially loves playing with Daenerys. They have a close father/daughter relationship. I guess you could say she is daddy's little girl.

This second baby has really worn Meadow out. She just can't seem to bounce back like she did with Daenerys.

Daenerys loves the toy Great Uncle Milton sent her, she even sleeps with it.

Damien is so excited, his little girl is learning to walk.

Of course Great Uncle Milton had to send Aerys a special toy too. How did it get in that pose? strange.

Aerys soon became a toddler, and what a handsome toddler he was. By now the family has figured out he hates the outdoors and is a bit of a slob. Too bad he inherited his mother's brown eyes.

Around the same time, Meadow learns she is pregnant again! She can't believe it, the doctors all said she wouldn't be able to have anymore children. It was quite a miracle.

Little Daenerys is growing to be a beautiful young woman. She's been a little absent minded, but has been able to keep her grades up.

For her birthday, Meadow and Damien decorated a room just for her, with her favorite color, pink.

Uh oh, Meadow shouldn't have been doing all that heavy lifting, she's gone into labor early! Better get to the hospital quick!

Damien takes Meadow to the hospital, then comes home to check on Daenerys and Aerys and put them to bed.

Little Rhaegar comes home from the hospital, and Damien can't help but steal some candy.

Not long after having Rhaegar, Meadow has a birthday.

Now she is officially OLD.

Little Aerys has his birthday too and grows to be a child. Too bad he's hot-headed.

Baby Rhaegar soon becomes a toddler. What a handsome little devil. Look at those violet eyes! He's been such a good baby. He's a very heavy sleeper, but can be grumpy at times.

Aerys is becoming a handsome young man. After his birthday, his mom takes him to get a new haircut and some new clothes.

It's everyones' birthday! haha. Damien is now an adult. Watch out mid-life crisis!

He's still very handsome.

Woohoo! Daenerys is so excited to become a teenager!

She begs her mother to let her go get a make over too, and for some money for a new wardrobe. She wants to impress the other kids at boarding school. At first Daenerys didn't want to go away to school, but she soon met new friends and started having a great time. She missed her dad the most, but they talked on the phone a lot.

Oh my gosh! Is it Rhaegar's birthday again, already?

Rhaegar is a pretty handsome little bugger. His parents decide it's time he join his sister at boarding school. They believe getting a good education is very important.


Aerys soon turns into a teen, and is sent away to boarding school too. He wants to learn to be a musician so he goes to the school of the arts.

When Rhaegar comes home from boarding school, he has changed so much. His parents barely recognize him.

Before long Danerys comes home too, and she has become a pretty young lady.

Unfortunately Meadow died while she was away at school, and Aerys was still away, but her father and younger brother Rhaegar went to Daenerys' graduation.
Rhaegar was so proud of his older sister. They hadn't seen each other in years, but hit it off right away, telling jokes and sharing stories.

They laughed easily with one another.

Both Daenerys and Rhaegar knew they were betrothed to one another since they were little. It was their family duty to carry on their family legacy. Soon their platonic relationship started to become more than that.

Luckily for them, they fell in love with one another.

Daenerys officially proposed, and Rhaegar cheerfully accepted.

Daenerys got ready and planned their wedding right away. Her father bought an expensive dress from a top designer and spared no expense.

The wedding was all set up, everything was in it's place.

Daenerys and Rhaegar chat and have a snack to quiet their nerves as they wait for the guests to arrive.

The ceremony is over before they know it. And they are joined for eternity. The fate of the Targaryen line lies in their hands.

The family's close friends are there to witness the union. Damien sought out Riverview for it's liberal views on family and marriage. He knew this was a community in which his family could flourish.

Daenerys cuts the cake, and Crazy Aunt Marie looks like she is going to bite someone. Good thing Uncle Colonel Sanders brought all that chicken.

The guests enjoy some cake and later some karaoke.



  1. As strange as this legacy is, it's also something I've never seen before and you have my attention! Can't wait to see where this ends up!
